Unit 2 Test - Population and Migration

The Unit test will be this Tuesday, Dec. 4th. Terms to know will be: Infant Mortality Rate, Push/Pull factors, pandemic, demography, the Demographic Transition Model, Population Pyramids, ecumene, Edward Jenner, Physiological Density, Thomas Malthus, One Child Policy, Agricultural Density, brain drain, immigration/emigration, intervening obstacle, sterilization, Quota Act of 1924.

And, the FRQ for this test will be on:
1. What is a Push Factor?
2. What is a Pull Factor?
3. Give a modern day example of each and support your answer.
4. Discuss the effect of ONE of the following U. S. policies on immigration.
-Quota Act (1921)
-Immigration Act of 1965

Chapter 2 Quiz-Population

Terms you will need to know for the Chapter2 quiz on Population:
Infant Mortality Rate, pandemic, demography, the Demographic Transition Model, Population Pyramids, ecumene, Edward Jenner, Physiological Density, Thomas Malthus, Agricultural Density.

There will be an FRQ (Free Response Question) from Chapter 2-BE PREPARED!!! Hint-Know LDCs and MDCs!!!!

Population Pyramid Project

Using data from the U.S. Population 2003 hand-out given in class, find the percentage for each age group for females in the U.S.. You can do this by dividing the total population by the specific age group. For example:
Total Population for males according to the hand-out: 139,876.
Males 0 to 4 years: 10,112

10,112 ÷ 139,876 = 7.2% (you might have to multiply the number after the = sign by 100 to get 7.2% on your calculator)

Males are already done for you on the first page.

Then, create a population pyramid using the age groups on the hand out (see pg. 63 - 66 for examples). Use the age groups on the hand-out for the left side of your population pyramid (instead of 0 - 90).

World Countries Project

Student will be in groups and will choose countries at random. Each group will give a Keynote (PowerPoint) presentation on their country. Projects MUST have the following information for each country:

-Map of country
-Neighboring countries
-Description of physical geography
-Government (democracy, monarchy,...)
-President/leader's name
-Brief history of the country
-Positives/negative about the country
-LDC or MDC and why

Click here for a useful website!!

Unit 1 Test-Nature and Perspective

There will be a Unit 1 Test on Tuesday, Sept. 25th. Terms needed to study are the following:

scale, biome, Ibn-Battutah, cartography, formal regions, functional regions, vernacular regions, Robinson and Mercator Projection maps, "site", map, possibilism, region, Land Ordinance of 1785, environmental determinism, longitude, latitude, arithmetic density, diffusion, Emmanuel Kant.

There will be a total of 30 questions, multiple choice, matching, and the map of Europe.

Map Activity

Draw a map from your house to Bayshore High School. Maps must include:

-Street names/numbers
-5 landmarks

If needed:

Vocabulary Quiz on Friday!!

There will be a 10 question, multiple choice/short answer quiz this Friday, Sept. 14th.
Terms you will need to know are: connectivity, toponym, scale, Ibn-Battutah, cartography, Robinson and Mercator Projection maps, "site", map, region, Land Ordinance of 1785.

There will also be a short answer question (it will NOT be extra credit) Here it is:
Give an example of a "site" and it's "situation". Explain, in detail, how they are related.
See me for details!!

Mandala Assignment

Make a mandala, using symbols to explain what is important in your life. Then we will write a 2 page, timed essay explaining your mandala in class.